Marwadi International Federation

An organization to encourage Social, Cultural, Trade and Business activities.


“To Establish, Empower and Unite the Worldwide MARWADI Community for Social, Cultural and Business Networking with economic growth of RAJASTHAN.”


➥ Our vision is to be the premier non-profit organization that empowers the Marwadi Community across the globe through effective business networking, social and cultural enrichment, and…

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About Us

Marwadi International Federation

Marwadi International Federation is a non-profit organization registered by the Government of India. “Marwadi International Federation” ( MIF ) is an organization formed with the objective of developing cultural, social , economic and industrial development harmony among the Rajasthani’s including those living in and outside Rajasthan .

The main objective of this organization is to promote social, cultural, trade and business among the people of Rajasthan. The foundation of Rajasthan’s glorious history and bright future has been laid by its artisans, confectioners and businessmen.

Message from Founder, General Secretary

CA Vijay Garg

Marwadi International Federation  is an organization formed with the objective of developing cultural, social, economic and industrial development harmony among the Rajasthani’s including those living in and outside Rajasthan. is a unique initiative to keep Rajasthani soil in the hands of all these workers who by any means belong to the Rajasthani soil, even if he is a resident of this place, whether he is a migrant or a foreigner. One and one together are eleven, taking this as the basis of the statement, come be a part of MIF and win for all round development of Rajasthan.”

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Our Network



50 Districts


29 States 08 UT's


1 + Countries


0+ Team Members

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is Marwadi International Federation?

Who can become a member of MIF?

Is membership restricted to any particular area?